
Pianos And Pool Tables

Pianos And Pool Tables

Pianos, Pool Tables, and Other Heavy Items

Piano and table Moving Services

Many companies advertise piano moving as one of their services, but Allston Piano Moving Company is the only company that only moves pianos. Licensed and insured with 40 years of experience, we move every size and style of piano.

Your piano is one of your most prized possessions, not simply another piece of furniture. These delicate instruments must be handled with the utmost care. All of our employees are experienced, full-time professional piano movers who have perfected superior techniques, take pride in their skill, and perhaps most importantly, love pianos.

Let professional piano movers do it for you.

Certain possessions require extra care, specific skills and experience. If you want to relocate something delicate, heavy, expensive or bulky, try to find people that know what to look out for, and know how to do it right.

The team who does this for you, should measure staircases, hallways and doorways. They also need all the right moving supplies and equipment. They’ll know how to disassemble, protect, move and assemble your item. This is all hard work.

Moving your piano

Some think that all it takes to move a piano is a lot of strength so maybe just a couple of strong guys. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Sure, you need some strength. But your equipment and technique are just as important, if you want to protect the instrument and not throw your back out during the process.


Getting that table from A to B

Similar to a piano, a pool table is no small investment and shouldn’t be treated as such. The sheer size of the item makes it challenging to move from point A to B, plus you certainly don’t want to scratch it at any point. Consider this, a pool table is by far one of the heaviest items a person can own. But that’s not it: a long and tedious disassembly process if required before you can even think of moving it elsewhere. That’s where we come in.



The Best Movers in Fort Wayne!

We take the back pain out of your move!
  • Thick Moving blankets to keep items safe during transport.
  • Appliance dollies for properly moving washers, dryers, ovens, refrigerators, and heavy furniture, to name a few.
  • Industrial Plastic wrap for sealing doors and drawers so items don’t fall out.

We Move All Types of Heavy Items

No matter where your piano, pool table, gun safe or any other large and heavy item is located, we will gladly provide you with expert moving help. Over the years we’ve moved all kinds of heavy items into all kinds of areas and through all kinds of nooks and crannies in your house.

Items like this need the help of professional movers who know the right way to move these types of belongings. We know the proper way to bend, lift, slide, and move these items without damaging ourselves or your house.

Why Choose Us

Our goal is to provide our customers with the #1 choice for a moving company in the Fort Wayne area. Perhaps you’ve used us before and you were exceptionally satisfied with our service, or you are interested in using our professional moving services for the first time, we will do our best to live up to our reputation.

Give us a call today to schedule your professional moving company, Fort Wayne Movers.

Creative Solutions

We will go ahead that extra mile to ensure our clients welfare, our working hours convenient.

Professional Team

We have the most famous experts in reputable company providing great advice on Wills.

Diverse Approach

We don’t believe in the sales culture, but instead we believe in the service culture.

Call Us Today!

Don’t  hesitate to give us a call when you need helping moving in or out of your apartment!